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In Honor of Our Brother, Clarence Gregory

So much has happened... Let's get up to date

A Special Thanks and God Bless You 

goes out to Mike Montz and his company SuperWire for the generous donation of Internet access to our church.  He provided the hardware, labor and monthly access free of charge

Why does Henly Baptist need Internet access? Think of the possibilities...
♦  Access to reference and research materials on line for our Bible study teachers
♦  Access to streaming video for messages from other sources that we'd like to share
♦  The possibility in the future of streaming the service for the benefit of those who can't attend church.

Mike says if you'd like a free survey of your site to see if you can receive internet from his company,
Call him at 512-644-3707 or go to and click on the button that says
"Click Here For Free Site Survey"

Henly Baptist Church

A meal is planned for the family immediately after the church service, starting at 12:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Please come and offer your love, prayers and condolences for Clarence's family in their time of loss.

News & Events

Keeping Those We Love In Our Prayers

There are so many people in the world who need prayer support. The list of members of Henly Baptist Church is always long, filled with people who need God's comforting and healing touch in times of need.

Please keep our brothers & sisters that Don may mention in the service on your prayer list and pray fervently that they may receive the help from God that they need, in accordance with his wishes.

Like Many Others In Henly, Our Church Suffered A Great Many Downed Limbs And Broken Trees During The Ice Storm

We were truly blessed by our brothers and sisters of the Spanish Seventh Day Adventist Church
that shares our facilities on Saturdays for their worship time.

They most graciously offered to come to the church after our service on Sunday and work on getting 
the mess cleaned up.

To be honest, I was overwhelmed. They came in force and in just a few hours it was hard
to tell that anything had ever happened on our grounds.

Our sincere thanks and blessings go to our Seventh Day Adventist church members.
You truly delivered a wonderful gift to Henly Baptist Church.

​(Click on a photo for a full view)

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Fortunately for us, he made the decision to remain at Henly Baptist but sitting in a pew instead of standing behind the pulpit.

​On April 3rd, our deacon body awarded Don the prestigious title of "Pastor Emeritus" to the delight and approval of the congregation in attendance. This is the first title of this type ever awarded to a pastor at Henly Baptist Church in it's 100+ year history.

Thank you and bless you Don for your seemingly tireless service and boundless friendship.

If you've been a member or visitor of Henly Baptist church for any time at all, you know that our Pastor, Don Forrester, has been around for a LOOOONG time. Over 4 decades actually! Anyone who grew up in Henly and went to HBC, grew up with Don as their spiritual leader, guide and friend.

Recently Don decided that it was time to take a rest and retired as our Pastor.

All those who knew Clarence Gregory loved him and respected him for his love of his Lord and his lifetime of devotion to God.

​We will honor his memory and his love and hope in Jesus Christ next Sunday, May 1st at 1:30 pm in the sanctuary.